Wood ear
Common names
Wood ear, Black fungus Cloud Ear, Tree Ear, and Jelly Ear.
Earthy and mild. Can easily soaks up the flavors of other ingredients.
Best consumed in risottos, stir-fry or soups after boiling in hot water.
Size, texture & Color
3-10 cm wide, ear-shaped.
Texture velvet and jelly like.
Translucent with a tan/red color.
Health benefits
Wood ear has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine.
It protect the liver, lower cholesterol and promote gut health. It is also high in fiber and antioxidants.
History and culture
Wood ear have been used in China for almost 1,000 years, with evidence of wood ear mushrooms being used in both culinary and medicine dating back to the Tang era (618-907AD). Native Indians, as well as Europeans in recent centuries, used them medicinally.
Jelly ear, called as ‘wood ears’ in Chinese cuisine, is a common ingredient. It was used medicinally until the 1860s, and it was assumed that fungi that resembled body parts could be utilised to heal those bodily parts. As a result, it was used to cure eye ailments (since eyes are gelatinous like the fungus) and throat problems (because the structure of jelly ear was thought to be similar to the one found in the throat).

Growing infos.
Incubation & fruiting temperature
Incubation at 25 °C - Fruiting best at 15-20 °C
Preffered substrate
Hardwood sawdust supplemented.
Innoculation to fruiting time
3 weeks in incubation, add up 2 weeks for the fruiting body to reach maturity.
Yield & number of flushes
Good. 2 flushes a few weeks apart.