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Turkey tail mushroom close up


Turkey tail


Trametes Versicolor

Common names

Turkey tail, yun zhi ('cloud mushroom' in Chinese), Kawaratake ('tile mushroom' in Japanese).


Mild earthy flavor.


Best consumed in teas or soups after boiling in hot water.

Size, texture & Color

2-10 cm wide - Fan-shaped.
Texture hard and leathery with a velvety suraface.
Bands of brown, tan, blue, grey and white.

Health benefits

Turkey tail mushroom is the most clinically tested medicinal mushroom. It contains polysaccharides that are used as anti-cancer drugs in Japan and China, and high levels of beta-glucans.
Turkey tail mushroom also help modulate the immune system, support liver health and improve gut health.

History and culture

In 200 BC, Turkey Tail was referenced in the first documented literature on medicinal herbs from the Han Dynasty, Shennong Ben Cao Jing. Turkey Tail is mentioned in the Compendium of Materia Medica (Ben Cao Gang Mu) from the Ming Dynasty in the 15th century. Turkey Tail is believed to boost vitality, healthy liver function, and strong bones and muscles in this book.

The Chinese drank turkey tail-infused tea in the 15th century, which was supposed to help strengthen bones and tendons. Since the 1960s in China and Japan, turkey tails have been utilised to help combat cancerous tumours. Because of this scientific evidence, turkey tails have become one of the most studied mushrooms in the world

Turkey Tail has since gained popularity in the Western world, as evidenced by various scientific trials. It has grown in popularity over the last decade, thanks to a 2011 Ted Talk in which well-known mycologist Paul Stamets shares the story of his mother’s cancer battle and how Turkey Tail helped her recover.


Turkey tail mushroom close up in forest

Growing infos.

Incubation & fruiting temperature

Incubation at 20-24°C - Fruiting best at 20-27 °C

Preffered substrate

Hardwood sawdust supplemented.

Innoculation to fruiting time

3 weeks in incubation, add up 2 weeks for the fruiting body to reach maturity.

Yield & number of flushes

Good. 2 flushes a few weeks apart.

