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Poplar mushrooms Pholiota aegerita or pioppino





Common names

Pioppino, Swordbelt, Black poplar, Yanagi-matsutake (Japanese), Cha shu gu (Chinese).


Earthy, nutty flavor with subtly sweet, floral, and some peppery notes.


You can saute, stir-fry and roast pioppino mushrooms or add them to risottos, omelets, soups and stews.
They keep their nice crunchy texture even after cooking for a long time.

Size, texture & Color

4-15 cm wide and 1-1.5 cm thick - Convex cap
Texture is firm and crunchy.
Light brown cap, and white elongated stem.

Health benefits

Pioppino mushrooms contain several polysaccharides with antioxidant, antiaging, and organ protecting effects.
It has also compounds with anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor properties, as well as Agrocybin, a peptide that provides antifungal benefits.

History and culture

Pioppino mushrooms (Agrocybe aegerita) are delicious edible and medicinal mushrooms that grow in large clusters on decaying hardwood trees, especially poplars.

Pioppino mushrooms are native to Asia, especially to Japan and China, and have been growing since ancient times. In China, Pioppino mushrooms are used in traditional medicine to help reduce symptoms of nausea, fevers, and headache. They are also used for their anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties to help keep the kidneys healthy and to protect the overall well-being of the digestive system.


Poplar mushrooms Pholiota aegerita or pioppino

Growing infos.

Incubation & fruiting temperature

Incubation at 21-24°C - Fruiting best at 13-18 °C

Preffered substrate

Hardwood sawdust supplemented.

Innoculation to fruiting time

3 weeks in incubation, add up 1 weeks for the fruiting body to reach maturity.

Yield & number of flushes

Good. 2 Flushes a few weeks apart.

