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Raw Organic Japanese Nameko Mushrooms





Common names

Nameko, Namesugitake, Nametake, Forest Nameko, and Forest mushroom.


Nutty flavour and natural gelatinous coating.


Nameko mushroom are an absolute must for miso and soup enthusiasts.

Size, texture & Color

2-8 cm for the cap and 5-7 cm for the Stem - Usually form clusters.
Convex shape with gelatinous slime on the caps.
Texture is firm and crunchy which remains throughout cooking.
Caps are golden brown, the stems often have orange markings on them.

Health benefits

They are loaded with essential nutrients such as vitamins C and D, minerals, proteins, amino acids, fiber, and antioxidants. Some of the health benefits include weight loss, lower high cholesterol levels, and prevent diabetes.

History and culture

The nameko mushrooms are one of Japan’s most popular culinary varieties, falling just behind shiitake mushrooms, and are valued for their slippery, gelatinous nature. The name Nameko was derived from the Japanese word “Numerikko,” roughly translating to “slimy mushrooms.” “Numeri” means “slimy” or “slime,” and “ko” was taken from “kinoko,” meaning mushroom.

In Japan, nameko mushrooms are famously added to miso soup. From 1185 to 1333 CE, during the Kamakura period, Buddhist monks from China brought suribachi mortars to Japan. It was during this time that miso soup first appeared. During the Heian period, which lasted from 794 to 1185 CE, miso was generally introduced from China to Japan. It was typically eaten in pieces or served as a thick spread. In the Kamakura period, miso soup was a favourite dish among samurai because it was easy to make and was thought to give one’s body energy and stamina. Miso became widely accessible by the middle of the 14th century, and miso soup quickly gained popularity as a regular side dish for meals.


Nameko mushroom

Growing infos.

Incubation & fruiting temperature

Incubation at 20-24°C - Fruiting best at 13-18 °C

Preffered substrate

Hardwood sawdust supplemented.

Innoculation to fruiting time

2 weeks in incubation, add up 1 weeks for the fruiting body to reach maturity.

Yield & number of flushes

Good. 2 Flushes a few weeks apart.

