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Maitake mushroom





Common names

Maitake, Hen of the wood, Huishu hua (Chinese), King of mushrooms, Dancing mushroom, Monkey's bench, and Shelf fungus.


Strong earthy and peppery flavor.


Stir-fry, sautéed, deep-fried, roasted or also in soups.

Size, texture & Color

Cluster can be as large as 60cm - 100 cm - Curled or spoon-shaped
Crunchy and firm texture.
Grayish-brown caps. which are often ,.

Health benefits

Maitake help balance blood glucose, boost immune function, lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels, promote fertility.

History and culture

In Japanese, maitake means “dancing mushroom,” and while there are several reasons why this mushroom may make you dance with delight, one story stands out above the others. Maitake was a highly prized product in feudal Japan, where local lords would exchange maitake for an equivalent weight in silver. As a result, the name “dancing mushroom” comes from Japanese commoners who would dance for delight when they discovered maitake, believing they would be well rewarded for their discovery. The mushroom was so valuable in Japan that, before it was commercially farmed, professional mushroom foragers would keep their harvest places so secret that they would only divulge their locations in their wills after their deaths.

Maitake mushroom

Growing infos.

Incubation & fruiting temperature

Incubation at 20-24°C - Fruiting best at 13-18 °C

Preffered substrate

Hardwood sawdust supplemented.

Innoculation to fruiting time

2 weeks in incubation, add up 2 weeks for the fruiting body to reach maturity.

Yield & number of flushes

Fair. 2-3 flushes a few weeks apart.


Difficult to fruit indoor because gas exchange is critical from knotting to petal formation.