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Chaga mushroom tea





Common names

Chaga, Black mass, Clinker polypore, Birch canker, cinder conk.


Mild earthy taste, sometimes slightly bitter with a hint of vanilla.


Mostly in hot beverage like hot chocolate, tea infusions, Chai tea.
Chaga powder can be added to smoothies, soups and other recipes as well.

Size, texture & Color

20-40 cm wide and tall - Irregularly shaped.
Hard texture with surface becoming cracked.

Health benefits

Chaga mushrooms is used traditionally in northern Europe as a general health tonic and a treatment for cancers liver and heart disease and digestive issues.
Chaga can boost your immune system and fights inflammation, prevents and fights cancer, lower blood sugar and cholesterol.

History and culture

Chaga is part of parasitic fungus that is growing on birch trees in cold climates, you can find it in Alaska, Northern Canada, Northern Europe, Korea, Russia and Siberia.

Native Russian and Siberian peoples may have been the first to use chaga as a natural medication. Tsar Valdimir Monomakh allegedly used it to cure his lip cancer in the 12th century. It was first mentioned in medical writings in the 16th century as a therapy for cancer, ulcers, and tuberculosis.

Another interesting fact is that Otzi the Iceman, a well-preserved mummy discovered in an ice sheet, lived approximately 3400 BC and kept Chaga in his pouch for fire transportation purposes. Although Otzi has not been identified as a member of a certain indigenous people, the Khanty people of Western Siberia are the first known users of Chaga for this purpose.

IMore recently, the Finnish utilised Chaga tea as a coffee substitute during WWar II. Coffee was scarce as a result of the conflict, but there was an abundance of Chaga growing in Finland’s forests, so the Finns traded one energising brew for another.

For many decades, the benefits of chaga mushrooms have been a staple in traditional Eastern medicine. It is only now that it is gaining favour in the Western world.




foraging chaga mushroom growing on the birch tree on forest. wild raw food chaga parasitic fungus or fungi it is used in alternative medicine

Growing infos.

Not suitable for indoor growing.

Chaga mushroom is not made for indoor growing since the external part of Chaga that we harvest isn’t the fruit body, it doesn’t contain any spores that we can simply use to start growing more mushrooms from.

We encourage you looking in the wild for it instead, you travel into cold climate places and find birch tree forest keep your eyes open for Chaga.